Project Description: HotelHub - MERN Generic Hotel Booking Website
Overview: HotelHub is a cutting-edge React single-page e-commerce web application built on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js). Leveraging Firebase for authentication and JWT for secure user validation, HotelHub provides a streamlined and secure platform for booking accommodations.
Live Link: HotelHub
Server Link: HotelHub Server Repository
Key Features:
- Robust authentication system with options for email-password registration and Google authentication.
- Generation of access tokens upon login for secure user identity validation throughout the session.
User Privacy:
- Strict privacy measures to ensure that unauthorized users cannot access or view another user's booked information.
- Restricted access to user booking details even with knowledge of the user's email, enhancing data confidentiality.
User Reviews:
- Users can provide reviews for booked rooms, contributing to a dynamic and informative user-driven feedback system.
- Access to room reviews is limited to users who have booked that specific room, ensuring authenticity and relevance.
Protected Routes:
- Implementation of protected routes requiring users to log in before accessing certain sections.
- Seamless redirection to the login page for unauthorized users attempting to access protected routes, enhancing overall security.
Challenges Faced:
- Development challenges led to the exploration and implementation of functionalities beyond the developer's prior knowledge.
- Overcoming these challenges reflects a commitment to continuous learning and growth throughout the project.
Technologies Used:
- Frontend: React, react-router
- Backend: Express.js, Node.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT Authentication, Firebase
Conclusion: HotelHub is not just a generic hotel booking website; it represents the developer's dedication and adaptability. With an intuitive user interface, robust authentication, and emphasis on user privacy, HotelHub provides a secure and enjoyable platform for users to explore and book accommodations hassle-free. Experience HotelHub here and explore the server-side code on GitHub.