-React Hooks Explained: useImperativeHandle
- Image Tiling
- Vector tiles: the next generation of tiled maps
- How web maps work - MapBox Document
- An Introduction to Nominal TypeScript
- Surviving the TypeScript Ecosystem — Part 6: Branding and Type-Tagging
- How the browser renders a web page? — DOM, CSSOM, and Rendering
- Inside look at modern web browser (part 3)
- How web browser works step by step [Latest]— high-level architecture (part 1)
- Anatomy of a Browser
- How web browser works step by step [latest]— navigation phase (part 2)
- How does browser work step by step [latest] — rendering phase (part 3)
- How does browser work step by step [latest] — optimization in the loading stage (part 4)
- How does browser work step by step [latest] — optimization in the interaction stage (part 5)
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- WebRTC Doc
- WebRTC Teach Lead slides - Justin Uberti
- Google I/O 2012 - WebRTC: Real-time Audio/Video and P2P in HTML5
- What is Realtime?
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- The Evolution of HTTP – HTTP/2 Deep Dive
- WebSockets - A Conceptual Deep Dive
- WebSockets vs Long Polling
- WebSockets vs. HTTP
- Server-Sent Events (SSE): A Conceptual Deep Dive
- Long Polling - Concepts and Considerations
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- MQTT vs WebSocket
- MQTT vs WebSocket
- MQTT vs MQTT over WebSocket
- HiveMQ - MQTT over Websockets
- What are the pros and cons of WebSockets versus MQTT as real-time web infrastructure for the Internet of Things?
- MQTT over WebSockets with example
- Quality of Service 0,1 & 2 - MQTT Essentials: Part 6
- Authenticating Websockets
- Quality of Service 0,1 & 2
- Persistent Session and Queuing Messages - MQTT
- Should You Really Use useMemo in React? Let’s Find Out.
- Understanding when to use useMemo
- When to useMemo and useCallback
- React.useMemo and when you should use it
- How JavaScript works: an overview of the engine, the runtime, and the call stack
- How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code
- How JavaScript works: memory management + how to handle 4 common memory leaks
Hidden Classes and Inline Caching in V8
- Writing Optimized Code in JS By Understanding Hidden Classes
- V8 Hidden class
- Javascript Hidden Classes and Inline Caching in V8
- V8 optimizations behind the scenes