This package will allow user to add Tagging system in the Laravel 7 application.
You can provide combination of string or id or model to create tags. It will check if a tag is already exists in the tags table. If not it will create a new tag and attach with the model. It also comes with some useful helpers and Scopes.
composer require amitkolloldey/laravel-taggify
Migrate The database tables
php artisan migrate
It will migrate tags
, taggables
To creat a many to many polymorphic relation with your model and tags you need to use the Taggify
namespace App;
use AmitKD\LaravelTaggify\Taggify;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Post extends Model
use Taggify;
protected $fillable = [
To attach/create new tags it uses addTags method. This method takes an array containing models or id or name of the tags you want to attach to your model and of course you can all use combination of these.
$post = \App\Post::findOrFail(2);
$post->addTags( [ 'Non Existing Tag', 'Spring Framework', 'Java']);
$post = \App\Post::findOrFail(2);
$tag = Tag::findOrFail(7);
$post->addTags( [ $tag, 8, 9, 'Java']); // Tag model/ids/name
The name will generate a unique slug for the tag and will increment the count
column. The count
column will represent how many times the tag's being used.
$post = \App\Post::findOrFail(2);
$tag = Tag::findOrFail(7);
$post->removeTags([ $tag, 8, 9, 'Java']);
The remove tags will detach the given tags and decrement the count
$post = \App\Post::findOrFail(2);
It will detach all the tags associated with the model and decrement the count
$post = \App\Post::findOrFail(2);
$post->reTag(['Python','PHP','php oop']);
It will detach Previous Tags and attach Given Tags and decrement the count
$posts = Post::withAnyTag(['Laravel','Java', 9])->get()->dd();
Gets The Models Associated with Any Given Tags.
$posts = Post::withAllTags(['Laravel','Java', 9])->get()->dd();
Finds The Models Where Given All Tags Are In Common.
Tag::popular(5)->get()->dd(); // 5 is how many tags to display
It will give the most popular tags based on count
Tag::unPopular(5)->get()->dd(); // 5 is how many tags to display
Gets Less Used Tags based on count
Tag::unUsed(5)->get()->dd(); // 5 is how many tags to display
Gets Unused Tags based on count
Tag::usedMoreThan(5)->take(5)->get()->dd(); ; // more then 5 times tag's being used
Return tags that are used more than given times based on count
Tag::usedLessThan(5)->take(5)->get()->dd(); // not more then 5 times tag's being used
Return tags that are used less than given times based on count
The package comes with 2 useful helpers, which you can use throughout your application.
@foreach (popular_tags_by_model("App\Post") as $popular_tag)
<!-- Model class, number of items to take -->
Gets Popular Tags In A Specific Model.
@foreach (popular_tags(5) as $popular_tag)
<!-- number of items to take -->
Gets Popular Tags In All Models
use items() method and give a model
$tag = Tag::findOrFail(7);
$tag = $tag->items(Post::class)->take(5)->get()->dd();
Inverse Polymorphic Between Tag and A Model.
You can also add inverse relationship by extending the AmitKD\LaravelTaggify\Models\Tag
- Amit Kollol Dey -