WayFarer is a public bus transportation booking service.
- Filter trips based on origin.
- Filter trips based on destination.
- Specify a seat number when making a booking.
Express JS - API development framework
Node - run time environment for JavaScript
Mocha and Chai - for testing
Eslint - code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript code
Babel JS - JavaScript compiler (ES6 to ES5)
Node a runtime environment for JavaScript
Postman to test the Api endpoints
Visual studio code for editing and running the app
- git clone https://github.com/amkayondo/Way-Farer.git
- cd /Way-Farer
- npm install (to install required dependencies)
- npm run dev (to start the development server)
- npm run test
- POST /auth/signin - User Signin
- POST /auth/signup - User to create an account
- POST /trips - Create a trip
- GET /trips/<:trip-id> - Get a specific trip
- GET /trips - Get all trips.
- PATCH /trips/<:trip-id>/cancel - Cancel a trip
- GET /trips?origin=kigali -Filter trips based on origin.
- GET /trips?destination=kampala -Filter trips based on destination.
- POST /bookings - Book a seat on a trip
- GET /bookings - View all bookings
- DELETE /bookings/<:booking-id> - Delete a booking