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Various examples related to Apache Arrow Flight.

Included Examples

  • basic_doput: Basic example of the DoPut call
  • headers_call_options: Example of using FlightCallOptions to pass context between a Flight Server and Flight Client
  • headers_middleware: Example of using Flight Middleware to pass context between a Flight Server and Flight Client
  • test_flight_stress: Example of various combinations of Arrow versions and Flight Clients to stress test Flight
  • distributed_with_opentelemetry: Example of a distributed (multi-server) Flight server with end-to-end OpenTelemetry tracing

Building & Running

Each example should have its own CMakeLists.txt and assumes you have a version of Arrow C++ configured and build elsewhere on your system. Some of the examples may container Dockerfiles which will also build the example for you as an alternative to building it yourself.

Arrow C++

Note: This can be simplified if you're able to install a binary distribution of Apache Arrow system-wide (i.e., brew install apache-arrow).


  1. Set ARROW_HOME to a suitable location to install Arrow C++ to
  2. Download or checkout a version of the Apache Arrow source
  3. Make an out-of-source build directory inside the directory from (2) cpp/build and cd into it
  4. Configure:
    cmake .. \
        -GNinja \
        -DARROW_WITH_RE2="OFF" \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" \
        -DARROW_FLIGHT="ON" \
  5. ninja install

Each Example


  1. Set ARROW_HOME to where you've installed Arrow C++
  2. Make an out-of-source build directory in ./build and cd into it
    cmake .. \
        -GNinja \
  3. ninja
  4. Run ./client and/or ./server as appropriate