Database changes happens along with the application code development and it is important part of product/project lifecycle. We can either write custom scripts to carry out database changes during the lifecycle of the product or use ready-made library to do this activity. We can use liquibase or Flyway for such change management.
Liquibase is an open-source library for managing database schema changes across various environments. It allows developers to define database changes in a declarative manner using XML, YAML, JSON, or SQL formats, and then applies these changes in a consistent and automated way. To use Liquibase with a Spring Boot application for database management and incremental changes, you can follow these steps:
Add Liquibase dependency to your Spring Boot project. You can include it in your pom.xml if you're using Maven or in your build.gradle if you're using Gradle. Maven:
Gradle: groovyCopy code
implementation 'org.liquibase:liquibase-core:{latest_version}
Configure Liquibase properties in your application.yml or file. You'll need to specify the changelog file location, database connection details, etc. Example application.yml configuration:
change-log: classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase
user: username
password: password
Create Liquibase changelog files in YAML format. These files define the database changes in a human-readable manner. You can organize your changes into multiple files if needed.
Example Liquibase changelog YAML file (db.changelog-master.yaml): yamlCopy code
- include:
file: db.changelog-1.0.yaml
- include:
file: db.changelog-2.0.yaml
Define your database changes in the changelog files. Liquibase supports a wide range of change types, including creating tables, altering tables, adding columns, etc. Refer to the Liquibase documentation for details on the available change types and syntax. Example Liquibase changelog YAML file (db.changelog-1.0.yaml): yamlCopy code
- changeSet:
id: 1
author: John Doe
- createTable:
tableName: my_table
- column:
name: id
type: int
autoIncrement: true
primaryKey: true
- column:
name: name
type: varchar(50)
Annotate your main Spring Boot application class with @EnableLiquibase to enable Liquibase integration. Example:
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import liquibase.integration.spring.SpringLiquibase;
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);