Deployment automation of memcached-lite service on Google cloud VMs
- Make sure GCP SDK is installed along with GCP Beta SDK (for linking projects with billing account)
Contains initial values for network, firewall, server name, client name, zone and scripts path.
Modify the config file as you require.
gcloud web authentication
Project creation/selection and then setting the current project to default configuration
API enabling – cloudresourcemanager and compute
VPC/Network creation
Firewall opening for tcp,udp,icmp and tcp:22,tcp:3389 ports
Two VM creation along with startup script ( for library installation
Waiting for startup scripts to finish on each VM
Server code Installation/Copying from local machine
Client code Installation/Copying from local machine
SSH into client and server VMs and unzipping code
Server startup
Client testing – performs 4 client tests
Copying server and client logs from VM to local machine
VM Shutdown/Stopping
Resource cleanup – Deletes VM, Firewalls, and Network in that order
Virtual Machines
- n1-standard-1 (1 vCPU, 3.75 GB memory) => $0.04749975 per hour * 2
Ingress traffic => No charge for ingress traffic
Egress to the same Google Cloud zone when using the internal IP addresses of the resources1 => No charge
- 500 or fewer attributes in the policy (standard) => $1 per VM covered by the policy
There are two VMs which uses the firewall and hence it will cost $2 per month.
All results can be found in the output-logs folder along with server logs after script execution
100 simultaneous connections to server and closing them afterwards (CONNECTION TEST)
Test 1 Execution Time: 61743.148051 milliseconds
100 connections to server and each perform 1 write and then 1 read
Test 2 Execution Time: 61758.51037199999 milliseconds
1 client writes to 1 key every 0ms and another client reads from the same key every 0ms for 100 times (Performance + Concurrency test)
Test 3 Execution Time: 2175.790368999995 milliseconds
2 clients write to same key at the same time for 500 times (Concurrency test for DB and multiple requests from a single client test)
Test 4 Execution Time: 4209.0177080000285 milliseconds