Course project for the Johns Hopkins University MOOC - Getting and Cleaning Data on Coursera
Amrit Singh Rana
- A tidy data set
- A link to a Github repo with your script for performing the analysis
- A code book that describes the variables, the data, and any transformations or work that you performed to clean up the data called You should also include a file in the repo with your scripts. This repo explains how all of the scripts work and how they are connected.
- run_analysis.R script
The script run_analysis.R downloads the dataset (UCI Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Dataset), cleans the data by performing certain transformations (mentioned in and writes the tidy data set to the present working directory.
- Clone/Download the repo.
- Run run_analysis.R file in RStudio or R on your machine.
- To save the tidy data set in a directory of your choice, change the present working directory in RStudio/R.