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Website to track your daily calories (Currently developing this app)

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Python Badge Python Badge Workflow branch master Docker Code style: black

Calorie Counter

The calorie counter app is a great way to keep track of all the calories you are burning every day. The user can add all the food they are eating, and the app will count the calories. We can further add a function for users to add their daily workout sessions, running and jogging to calculate how many calories they have burned.

This project was made before by me, but I decided to do a better version of it, with clean code and better functionality. You can check it here: HealthGain.

Built with

Django Badge

🔨 Getting started

Pre requisites


Clone the project

git clone
cd calorie_counter

Configure settings (email)

Fill up the ".env.example" file, so users can receive activation links and to reset passwords. Rename it as well to ".env".

Install dependencies & activate virtualenv

  1. Pipenv (make sure you have Python installed):

     pip install pipenv  # For Windows
     brew install pipenv # For MacOs
     sudo apt install pipenv # For Debian Buster+
     sudo dnf install pipenv # For Fedora
  2. Install packages:

    pipenv install # will create a virtual environment with all the modules needed
  3. Activate virtualenv and apply migrations:

    pipenv shell # To activate the virtual environment
    python makemigrations
    python migrate

If any doubts, here's a link to some more explanations: Pipenv

🔎 Usage


Install Docker here.

Once installed, all you have to do is open your terminal on the project folder and run

docker-compose up

This will run the project with a PostGres database already prefilled with some data. Paste this link on your browser:

Without docker

On a terminal window:

pipenv shell
python runserver

Paste this link on your browser:

If we want to use celery to run tasks asynchronously:

On a new terminal window run:

pipenv shell
celery -A calourie_counter.celery worker -l info
celery -A calorie_counter.celery worker --pool=solo -l info # For windows


  • Create an account
    • Send email to activate account async
  • Log in
    • Via email and password
    • Resend activation link async
    • Reset password
  • Add foods
  • Register foods
  • Check details of registered foods (days, time, grams)
  • Delete foods
  • Check up table of nutrition value of the current day


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