This Node application does the following:
- Takes a text as input message.
- Makes a POST request to a "Named Entity Recognition API" available at
- Returns or prints the input message with the identified entities tagged
- Example :
- Input : I was born in Springfield and grew up in Boston.
- Output : I was born in <mark data-entity=”gpe”>Springfield</span> and grew up in <mark data-entity=”gpe”>Boston</span>.
node task2.js "YOUR TEXT HERE"
Sample Command:
node task2.js "I was born in Springfield and grew up in Boston and Microsoft campus is near my house."
Output :
Total tags identified = 3
I was born in <mark data-entity="GPE">Springfield</span> and grew up in <mark data-entity="GPE">Boston</span> and <mark data-entity="ORG">Microsoft</span> campus is near my house.