FreeACP is a process algebra engine, inspired by an idea of the free objects. This is a work in progress, for the progress report see this article.
The code below is a Hello World program in FreeACP, commented line-by-line. You can also execute it by cloning this repository, executing sbt core/run
and selecting freeacp.HelloWorld
. See also a more advanced GUI example.
package freeacp
import scala.concurrent.Future
import freeacp.engine.FutureEngine._ // Provides capabilities to run expressions under Future
import freeacp.component.Say._ // Provides `say(string)` AA and the default implementation of it that does `println(string)`
import freeacp.LanguageT._ // Enables us to treat the suspended values `S[_]` as free objects, decoupling definitions of AAs from their implementation
object HelloWorld extends App {
var i = 0
// Define AAs we will compose our expression of
val a = say("Hello") // Does `println("Hello")` on compilation by `LanguageT ~> Future`
val b = say("World")
val c = atom { i = i + 1 } // Executes the (effectful) code fragment between the curly braces on compilation by `LanguageT ~> Future`
val d = atom { println(s"Value of i: $i") }
// Define a process algebra expression in terms of the AAs and the operators.
// `*` is a sequential composition, AAs will execute one after another.
val expression: Tree[LanguageT] = a * b * c * d
// Execute the expression
.runM( // This `runM` takes a compiler `LanguageT ~> Future` which implements the AAs defined in terms of `LanguageT`.
compiler[Future]( // We need to compose several compilers: the default one and the one which implements the `say()` component. `compiler()` function does that.
defaultCompiler // The default compiler implements the essential operations expressed by `LangaugeT` reification: `map: (A => B) => (Future[A] => Future[B])` and `suspend: (() => A) => Future[A]`.
, sayCompiler // The `say()` component compiler knows what to do when `say()` AA is executed: `println` whatever string `say` contains.
), debug = false // If `true`, will print the tree rewritings on each step of the execution.