A simple terminal timer that incorporates some of the ideas that Dr. Andrew Huberman was sharing in his podcasts:
- The optimal single working session time is ~1.5 hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HINgMMTzPE.
- You will be more productive within the session if you make three short stops (~10 seconds attention switches/rests) at random times during the working session: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/akYXRHysdNc.
$ npm i -g terminal-timer
- MacOS Monterey v12.7.6 with the Node.js v20
- Android smartphone with Termux and Node.js v22
To start the timer:
$ terminal-timer
or just:
$ tt
The default session is 1.5 hours, but you can change it using the argument as your session length in minutes:
$ tt 120
The timer will put random 3 stops during your session. The beeping sound will play at each stop. You can change the stop quantity by adding another argument. For example, to have a 90 minute session with 5 random stops:
$ tt 90 5
Or you can disable these random stops completely by setting them to 0:
$ tt 90 0
Because of how the random logic is implemented, it's possible that sometimes you may have fewer stops than you specified.
At the end of the session, the timer will play a longer beeping sound.