Z80-based single-board computer
- $0000-$7FFF - ROM.
- $8000-$FFFF - RAM.
- Address decoding with ATF16V8.
- Using perfboard for this, so trying to keep it small & simple - will be adding more fancy things later (LCD, UART, etc).
- Simple 8-bit input through '244 tri-state buffer.
- Simple 8-bit output through '273 flip-flop with 8 LEDs for visual output.
- I used AS6C4008 in schematic since it's included in Kicad parts by default. I have various SRAM chips available. Same with W27C512 EPROM.
- anycpu.org forum thread
- Original datasheet (very slow download), or alternatively - archived versions on my website and archive.org.
- Z80 interrupt vectors: https://www.smspower.org/Development/InterruptVectors
- SjASMPlus docs: https://z00m128.github.io/sjasmplus/documentation.html