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Here, I am developing code to handle single-cell bisulfite-sequencing data, using a data fromat that might be an alternative to the one we use in MethSCAn.


The script converts the data format produced by MethSCAn to this new format.

The file defines two classes to read this data.

Data format

The data format is as follows:

  • All data is provided in a directory with several files.
  • There is a file metadata.json that contains the following
    • a string named format with content metdense
    • a string named format-version. For now, I put there "0.0.-1" to indicate that the format is not finalized yet.
    • a string named genome that may contain information on the genome assembly used (e.g., GRCm38)
    • a vector of strings with the identifiers of the cells (one name per cell). Wherever cells are indexed, these indices are understood as referring to this string vector.
    • a dictionary with the names of all the chromosomes that appear in the reference, with their length
  • For each chromosome, there are three files:
    • The file nn.pos (where nn is the chromosome name) is a binary file with the positions of all CpG sites that appear in the chromosome (possibly skipping those which have no coverage in any chromosome). The file is a vector of unsigned 32-bit integers, i.e., it can be opened with, e.g., numpy.memmap( "nn.pos", numpy.uint32 ). The number of 32-bit integers in this file (i.e., its size in bytes divided by 4) is called $n_\text{sites}$ below.
    • The file nn.dat with the actual methylation calls. This file contains $n_\text{cells} \cdot \lceil n_\text{sites} / 16 \rceil$ 32-bit integers (where $\lceil\cdot\rceil$ is the ceiling operation), i.e., $\lceil n_\text{sites} / 16 \rceil$ 32-bit integers per CpG site. These contain the methylation calls for the cell, each 32-bit word containing calls for 16 cells, starting with the calls for cell 0 to cell 15 in the first word. The two least signficant bits contain the call for cell 0, etc.
      • The calls are 0 for "no call" (i.e., no coverage), 1 for "unmethylated", 2 for "methylated", and 3 for "ambiguous" (which means that there were mutiple reads that did not agree).
    • The file nn.smd conatins smoothed data for teh chromosome (TO DO: Explain.)


The class MetDenseDataset holds memmaps to a directory with files as just described. Given an object md, use, e.g., md["X",176, 23] to get the call for chromosome X, CpG site 176, cell 23.

The object also contains a dictionary chroms that contain objects of type Chromosome.

These have a method get, which is used by the above access, which can hence also be written md.chroms["X"].get( 176, 23 ). The 0-based basepair position of that CpG site can be obtained by md.chroms["X"].posv[176].

The Chromosome class is a numba jitclass, allowing for fast code using numba.


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