To run the program:
$ python
You will need a webcam to run this app.
To enable face recognition, please put an image of the face that you want to recognize on the images folder. You only need to put an image per face. The images folder acts as the database of faces.
If the detected faces are not in the database, the app will recognize it as "Unknown".
Please name the file of the image in the database according to what you want the app to display. For instance, if a face image file is named 'Robert', then the app will show 'Robert' if the detected face is matched with the face in image file named 'Robert'. Please make sure the image stored in the images folder to have PNG format.
The app is able to crop the recognized face. You only need to click on boundary box of the detected image. The cropped image will immediately shown and stored in the cropped_images folder.