Chromecast control library for platformio/arduino. It supports requesting some information of the casting (e.g. artist and title), as well as a minimal control (pause, previous, next, seek and volume).
The library depends on ArduinoJson and nanopb. This is already set for platformio.
It has a significant RAM footprint, which is usually not an issue for wifi capable boards. It was only tested on ESP8266.
- Node-castv2 has a great readme describing the protocol.
- pychromecast was used as a reference when implementing this
- CastVolumeKnob is a similar project in micropython, but it only targets volume control.
- Google's documentation on protocol buffers
Understanding how the CASTV2/chromecast protocols work took me a while, so here's a quick summary on what this library does.
- TCP/TLS connection is opened to the device. Self-signed certificates are sufficient
- An application layer connection to the device itself ("receiver-0") is established
- Status is requested from the device with GET_STATUS messages on the receiver
- Reported status include volume information
- When something casts to the device, chromecast reports an application is running with a sessionId
- An application layer connection to the application (sessionid) is established
- Status is requested from the application with GET_STATUS messages on the
media namespace
- Reported status includes all sort of information of the currently playing track
- As well as a mediaSessionId, which is changed with every track change
- Control messages can be sent to the application on the media namespace using a specified mediaSessionId
All of the following are public fields of the class, which are updated when the class' loop() function is called on a given status.
- volume - The volume set on the device, between 0 and 1
- isMuted - True if the device is muted
- displayName - Typically the application casting, like "Spotify"
- statusText - A short status, e.g. "Casting: Whole Lotta Love"
- playerState - State of playback, e.g. "PLAYING"
- title - Title of the current song, e.g. "Whole Lotta Love"
- artist - Artist of the current song, e.g. "Led Zeppelin"
- duration - Duration of the current song in seconds, e.g. 333.89
- currentTime - Current time in the song in seconds, e.g. 2.27
This list can be easily extended by saving more when processing MEDIA_STATUS or RECEIVER_STATUS.
The following controls are accessible as methods in the class:
- play() - Plays (resumes) the current song
- pause() - Pauses/Resumes the current song
- prev() - Previous track
- next() - Next track
- seek() - Seeks in song
- setVolume() - Volume control
- setMute() - Mute control
I think this covers all possible controls except casting and playlist features. However, extending it should be fairly easy, using the play() or setVolume() method as a template (for media/device commands respectively)
For further documentation, please refer to the comments in ArduCastControl.h and the example, which demonstrates the main features.
Don't expect any new features/bugfixes, as I'm quite happy with the featureset as is. However, I do accept pull requests.