JsonConfig is a simple configuration framework based on json and the dynamic type avaible in .NET Framework 4.0+
In your project, add reference to JsonConfig.dll
Add a file to your project named "app.json.config" with your configuration in a json format. Example:
name: "My Project",
host: "localhost",
port: 80
If your project is not a web project, you need to set the file to "Copy to the output directory if changed".
Just use the dynamic config object in your code as follows:
Console.WriteLine("name: {0}", JsonConfigManager.DefaultConfig.name);
Console.WriteLine("host: {0}", JsonConfigManager.DefaultConfig.host);
Console.WriteLine("port: {0}", JsonConfigManager.DefaultConfig.port);
You can use any config file name you want. Checkout the unit tests to find out how.
Released under the MIT license.