- Router;
- Navigation;
- Handle wrong path (404 not found);
- Animation during loading;
- Button hover effects;
- Input focus effects;
- Using form;
- Async get request;
- Handle wrong input;
- Output array to grid;
- Layout for mobile;
- Sort array with using library Lodash;
- Using styles;
- Find crypto;
- List crypto;
- Footer with information about using api and horizontal scroll;
- Horizontal scroll in page List crypto for mobile devices;
- Using api.
- ReactJS;
- NodeJS;
- JS;
- CSS, CSS3;
- Libraries: Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, React-Router-Dom, React-Redux, Redux, Styled Components, Redux-Devtools-Extension, Redux-Thunk, Material-UI, Lodash, Express;
- Test library Jest;
- Method: Mobile First;
- Api: hitbtc-api.