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Introduction to NoSQL Databases (Peer Graded Assignment)

Course 10 from 13 (Part of IBM Data Engineering Professional Certificate by Coursera)

Having hard time on up and running IBM Skill Network Lab, I decided doing the assignment fully using WSL Ubuntu 20.04 on my local Windows 10 Pro x64. There are some preparation step to do it:

  1. Install npm
  2. Install openjdk 8 jre
  3. Using npm, install couchimport
  4. Get mongodb-database-tools for ubuntu
  5. Install mongodb (make sure you can access mongodb cli)
  6. Install cassandra (make sure you can access the cqlsh)
  7. Set up the IBM Cloudant connection (use credential from IBM Cloudant instance), using curl - make sure you can access your Cloudant DB from local ubuntu terminal

Here is my complete syntax on each step, for the whole assignment (screenshoot provided):

== 2 create index on table movies curl -X POST $CLOUDANTURL/movies/_index \ -H"Content-Type: application/json" \ -d'{ "index": { "fields": ["Director"] } }'

== 3 create query on specific director curl -X POST $CLOUDANTURL/movies/_find
-H"Content-Type: application/json"
-d'{ "selector": { "Director":"Richard Gage" } }'

== 4 create index title curl -X POST $CLOUDANTURL/movies/_index
-H"Content-Type: application/json"
-d'{ "index": { "fields": ["Title"] } }'

==5 query to list only the “year” and “Director” keys for the ‘Top Dog’ curl -X POST $CLOUDANTURL/movies/_find
-H"Content-Type: application/json"
-d'{ "selector": { "title":"Top Dog"
}, "fields":["title","year","Director"] }'

==6 export from cloudant to json local couchexport --url $CLOUDANTURL --db movies --type jsonl > movies.json

==7 import json to mongodb mongoimport --authenticationDatabase admin --db entertainment --collection movies --file movies.json

==8 query to find the year in which most number of movies were released db.movies.aggregate([ {"$group" : {_id:"$year", count:{$sum:1}}}, {$sort:{count:-1}}, {"$limit":1} ])

db.movies.aggregate([ {"$group" : {_id:"$year", count:{$sum:1}}}, {$sort:{count:-1}} ])

==9 query to find the count of movies released after the year 1999 db.movies.aggregate([ {"$group" : {_id:"$year", count:{$sum:1}}}, {$match: {_id: {"$gt":1999}}}, {$sort:{_id:1}} ])

==10 query to find out the average votes for movies released in 2007 db.movies.aggregate([ {$match: {year: 2007}}, {$group: {_id: "$title",averageVotes: {$avg: "$Votes"}}}, {$sort:{avg_vote:-1}} ]);

==11 Export the fields _id, “title”, “year”, “rating” and “director” from the ‘movies’ collection into a file named partial_data.csv mongoexport --authenticationDatabase admin --db entertainment --collection movies --out partial_data.csv --type=csv --fields _id,title,year,rating,Director

==12 Import partial_data.csv into cassandra server into a ==keyspace named entertainment and table named movies CREATE KEYSPACE entertainment WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3}; use entertainment; CREATE TABLE movies(id int PRIMARY KEY,title text,year int,rating int,Director text);

==13 Write a cql query to count the number of rows in the movies table select count(*) from entertainment.movies;

==14 Create an index for the column rating in the movies table using cql create index rating_index on movies(rating);

==15 Write a cql query to count the number of in the movies that are rated 'G' select count(*) from entertainment.movies where rating='G';