Central repository for Rest API and Microservices type backend projects.
- Languages : Java, Javascript, Typescript, others.
- Frameworks : Spring Framework, Serverless, Prometheus, Express, Nestjs, others.
- Spring modules : Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Data JPA, others.
- AWS Services : Lambda, S3, SQS, SNS, RDS, Api Gateway, DynamoDB, others.
- Technologies : Nodejs, others.
- ORM : Sequelize, TypeORM, others.
- Databases : MySQL, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, others.
- Libraries : Resilience4J, Lombok, dotenv, cors, aws-sdk-v3, nodemon, express-validator, others.
- Tools : Grafana, VSC, Postman, Maven, nodemon, swagger, Git, others.
- Testing : Jest, Supertest, Mocha & Chai, others.
- Implementation of Microservices for real estate [ Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Grafana, Prometheus, others ]
- Api Rest about electronic devices [ NodeJS, Express, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, others ]
- Rest Api for the management of shipments, products, points, routes, etc. [ NestJS, TypeORM, NodeJS, MySQL, others ]
- Api Rest for the statistical management of bioethanol production and sales. [ Serverless, DynamoDB, NodeJS, AWS, others ]
- Microservice for user management about Mercado Libre. [ Serverless, Mysql, Sequelize, Nodejs, others ]
- Api Rest for the management of Microcomponents. [ Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Oracle XE, others ]
- Centralized Version Control System Nodejs [ TypeScript, NodeJs, ExpressJS, etc. ]
- Microservice Paypal Orders Express [ Typescript, NodeJS, Express, etc. ]
- Microservice OpenWeather Nodejs Jest [ NodeJS, Jest, Serverless-Framework, etc. ]
- Microservice Employess NestJS [ NestJS, Typescript, TypeORM, etc. ]
- Api Rest for the Microservice App_MicroFrontEnd_Productos. [ Spring Boot, Spring Security, PostgreSQL, others ]
- Development of a Rest Api for microelectronic components. [ Spring Boot, OpenApi, Oracle, others ]
- Rest Api about microElectronic Products. [ Spring Boot, SpringFox, MongoDB, others ]
- Rest Api about Generic Electronic Products. [ Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, MySQL, others ]
- Collaboration on a Project on Covid-19 Core/Api-Rest Area with PHP. [ Java, PHP, Mysql, others ]