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Thymio platform

Welcome to the Thymio2+ Turborepo!

The Thymio_2_plus is an open-source project that provides a comprehensive suite of software tools and libraries for the Thymio robot. This Turborepo serves as a central hub for managing and organizing the various packages, applications, and utilities that make up the Thymio Platform.

With the Thymio_2_plus Turborepo, developers and enthusiasts have access to a wide range of front-end and back-end applications, along with essential packages for programming, data modeling, and UI component development. The Turborepo follows a monorepo architecture, enabling seamless collaboration and code sharing between different parts of the project.


Before diving into the installation process, we highly recommend visiting the Documentation. This comprehensive documentation will provide you with detailed information about the Thymio2+, its features, and how to utilize its capabilities effectively.

Getting Started with Thymio2+ Turborepo

Welcome to Thymio2+ Turborepo! This guide will help you get started with the installation and basic usage of the monorepo, which includes the Thymio Platform and various packages and apps. Let's get started!

A monorepo is a software development approach where multiple related projects or packages are managed within a single repository. Turborepo is a tool that helps streamline the development process in a monorepo by providing various features and utilities.

  1. Single Repository: All the related projects and packages are stored in a single repository. This allows for easier code sharing, centralized version control, and streamlined collaboration between different teams or developers.

  2. Shared Dependencies: In a monorepo, multiple projects can share dependencies, reducing duplication and ensuring consistency across the codebase. Turborepo manages these shared dependencies efficiently, making it easier to update and maintain them.

  3. Common Configuration: Turborepo allows you to define common configurations and scripts that apply to multiple projects or packages within the monorepo. This helps maintain consistency in development practices and simplifies the setup process for new projects.

What's Inside?

The Thymio2+ Turborepo consists of the following packages and apps:

Front-End Apps

  • openwrt-config-dashboard: This app provides a dashboard for configuring and managing OpenWRT devices into conext of Thymio2+. It allows users to view and modify device settings, monitor network activity, and perform various administrative tasks.


  • mobsya-helper: A programming tool that follows the SOLID principles, leveraging an implementation framework based on Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and formalized through the design of inter-service contracts. This package provides a solid foundation for building robust and maintainable applications.

  • mobsya-theme: A React Native component library that is shared between the web and native applications. It provides a set of reusable UI components with a consistent and visually appealing design.

  • tsconfig: The tsconfig.json file used throughout the monorepo, ensuring consistent TypeScript configurations and compiler options across all packages and apps.

Each package and app in this monorepo is written in 100% TypeScript, providing static type checking and enhanced developer experience.


To get started, make sure you have Node.js and Yarn installed on your machine. If you haven't installed them yet, you can download Node.js from the official website ( and Yarn from their official website (

Once you have Node.js and Yarn installed, navigate to the root directory of the project in your terminal and run the following command to install the required dependencies:

yarn install

This command will fetch and install all the necessary packages and dependencies for Thymio Suite V3.

Start thymio2+ in development mode

This script launches the development environment, including Storybook and the test runner, in an interactive watch mode. It runs concurrently, leveraging parallel processing for improved performance. This command is useful during development as it automatically reloads the app and reruns tests whenever changes are detected.

yarn dev
yarn storybook

Available Scripts

  • yarn format: This script formats the codebase using Prettier, a popular code formatter. It automatically adjusts the code's style and formatting, promoting a unified and consistent codebase across the entire project.

  • yarn clean: This script cleans the project by removing generated files and dependencies, preparing it for a fresh build. Use this command when you want to start with a clean slate and eliminate any unnecessary artifacts or dependencies.

  • yarn build: This script builds the project for production. It includes separate build commands for specific packages, such as mobsya-helper and data-model, as well as the apps. Running this command generates optimized production-ready assets in the dist folder, ready for deployment.

  • yarn test: This script runs the test runner to execute tests in the project, excluding the backend directory. It ensures that your code behaves as expected and meets the defined specifications. Writing and running tests help maintain code reliability and catch potential issues early on.

  • yarn posttest: This script is executed after running the tests. It performs additional tasks, such as merging test results and generating reports. It consolidates the test results generated by the test runner into a single XML file and converts it into a human-readable format for easier analysis.

  • yarn mergeTest: This script merges the test results generated by the test runner and generates a combined XML file. Additionally, it runs a parser to convert the XML file into a more readable format, facilitating comprehensive test result analysis.

  • yarn report: This script generates an HTML report from the merged test results, providing a visual representation of the test coverage. The report gives you an overview of the test outcomes and helps identify areas that require further attention or improvement.

  • yarn test:watch: This script launches the test runner in an interactive watch mode, allowing tests to be automatically rerun whenever file changes are detected. It provides a convenient way to continuously monitor and validate code changes during development.

  • yarn storybook: This script launches Storybook, a UI component development environment, for the documentation section of the project. It allows you to view and interact with the project's UI components individually,

Next Steps

Now that you have Thymio Suite V3 Turborepo installed and familiarized yourself with the available scripts, it's time to explore the vast possibilities of educational robotics and build exciting projects using the Thymio Platform. Make sure to refer to the Thymio Platform Documentation for in-depth guidance on utilizing the platform's features effectively.

We encourage you to join our growing community of developers, users, and collaborators. Share your ideas, projects, and experiences with the community, ask questions, and contribute to the continuous improvement of Thymio Suite V3. Together, we can create a vibrant and inspiring ecosystem for educational robotics.

Happy coding with Thymio Suite V3! Let your imagination and creativity soar as you embark on an exciting journey of educational robotics!