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Changelog - 12/7/21

  • Added Selenium to run tests. Currently, only runs a login test.

Changelog - 11/21/21

  • Created new views for Home, Join Room, Create Room, and Room
  • Users can create a room by specifying bracket type, artist, and max users
  • Users can join a created room

Changelog - 11/17/21

  • Added React App for Generating the Brackets
  • Contains template based off of James' Designs
  • Currently just has single elimination, but will add more

Changelog - 11/2/21

  • Very basic shell used for incorporating BootStrap into Django
  • Contains a NavBar that allows you to jump between the 'Home' page, the 'About' page, and the 'Login' page
  • NavBar will automatically resize when the browser width reaches a certain value (done automatically by BootStrap)
  • NavBar is global, so any updates to it will be reflected across all pages that include it
  • Allows you to login with your Spotify account


  • Python 3.8
  • Django 3.2.8
  • social-auth-app-django 5.0.0
  • social-auth-core 4.1.0
  • npm 6.14.13
  • Selenium 3.141

How To Run

  • Clone the repository to a local project in your IDE (PyCharm preferred)
  • Make sure all dependencies are installed (if in root directory, type in termal "pip install -r requirements.txt")
  • Run the following commands in the terminal: "cd brackets" -> "npm i" -> "npm run build"
  • To run the server, ensure you are in root directory (from last step, type "cd .."). Then, run "python runserver"
  • Once the server is running, click the link in the terminal or visit ""
  • To close the server, press "CTRL+C" in the terminal
  • To run tests use the command "python test"

Future Additions

  • Functional dropdown menu when browser resize occurs
  • Begin creating more brackets and add interactivity
  • Add a way to see who all is in the room
  • Store previous brackets/results into the database
  • Enfore max user rule
  • Make front-end look more aesthetically pleasing