This site is built on SvelteKit, and uses Leaflet for maps, and Chart.js for charts, and Turf.js for processing locations when needed.
This function captures and archives 911 incidents in S3
This function captures and archives GDOT crash incidents
Some public api endpoints do not have the appropriate CORS headers configured correctly, so this function proxies and caches the results
This captures public data from APD, and summarizes it in various aggregations (month, year, sums, etc)
Current state: The data is captured correctly, but some of the final summary roll-ups are not being calculated correctly. Not yet used for live data.
This function captures a KML file from Google MyMaps and saves it to S3. Not currently running daily
Takes the archived 911 data captured by /serverless/archive911 and summarizes it by date
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.