- Angular 1.X
- ASP .NET Core(MVC)
- SQL (SQL Server)
- Entity Framework --version Entity Framework: 6.4.0
To get started, you will need Visual Studio and Sql Server on your system.
git clone
Open in Visual Studio
Open package manager console
Use this command to uninstall package
Uninstall-package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
Change to correct connection link to sql database in file Startup.cs
string connectionString = "Data Source=DESKTOP-RV4PASN;Initial Catalog=Portfolio;Integrated Security=True;Trusted_Connection=True;"; // change to your connection string
Open package manager console
Use this command to add migration
add-migration Name_migration
Got to ClientApp and install npm packages
cd ClientApp
npm install
Then, you can run the .sln in Visual Studion and build the project.