The purpose of this lab is to set up an android application ables to manage a Profile Management. The project is composed by three different apps (one app for each different stakeholders):
- Customers Profile
- Restaurateur Profile
- Deliveryman Profile
Each module will handle the corrispective customer. The three app are more or less the same and doffers only in user's information.
The APP allows the insertion of different kind of data, such as: name, description, photo, e-mail address, etc. The user can also choose an existing photo from the device gallery or snap a photo.
At the first run, since there is no defined profile, the APP will ask you to create one. After that, you can see you profile with all the related informations and also, if you want, you can modify some of them.
From an implementation point of view:
- The user's data are stored through Shared Preferencies.
- Camera permission are required in order to access to the gallery: the private method private
void galleryIntent()
will handle the permission request. - Different layout has been implementd (landscape and customized alert dialog)
- Methods
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState)
andpublic void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState)
have been implemented in order to handle the saving of some useful data whenonPause()
is called.