This will spin up a multi-node kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu 18.04. It uses for the pod network.
- vagrant + vagrant-sshfs
- libvirt or virtualbox
sudo dnf install vagrant vagrant-sshfs libvirt
sudo gpasswd -a $USER libvirt
vagrant plugin install vagrant-sshfs
vagrant up
A vagrant up will spin up a new cluster. Default servers.yaml contains 1 master and 4 nodes.
Add/remove nodes by adding entries to config/servers.yaml. You MUST have node in the hostname and use 10.4.2.x for it to work without modifications.
Multiple master setup is not yet supported.
CPU, memory and other provider config settings can be set by adding them to the config/servers.yaml:
cpus: 4
memory: 2048
vagrant ssh k8s-master1
sudo -i
kubectl get nodes -o wide
Install kubectl on base OS:
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
vagrant ssh k8s-master1 -- 'sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf' > $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
kubectl get nodes -o wide
Spin up single use fedora or busybox container for troubleshooting and testing.
kubectl get pods -o wide --sort-by="{.spec.nodeName}"
kubectl run -it fedora --image=fedora --restart=Never -- bash
kubectl run -it busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sh
kubectl delete pod fedora
kubectl delete pod busybox
Check status of all pods (including system)
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --include-uninitialized
For more kubectl commands, check out the cheat sheet!