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🌊 Easy & Powerful navigation library in SwiftUI


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- Concept

✨ LinkNavigator is a library that helps you easily navigate between pages in SwiftUI.

  • LinkNavigator provides an intuitive syntax for navigating pages via URL path-like expressions.
  • You can easily go to any page with the deep-link processing style.
  • You can inject parameters with page transition.
  • LinkNavigator is designed for use in Uni-directional Architecture such as MVI design pattern or The Composable Architecture from pointfreeco, but it can be used in other architectures as well.

- Translations

The following translations of this README have been contributed by members of the community:

If you'd like to contribute a translation, please open a PR with a link to a Gist!

- Basic Usage

  • push one or many pages. ["page1", "page2"], items: [:], isAnimated: true)
  • pop one or many pages.

    navigator.remove(paths: ["pageToRemove"])
  • back to the prior page or dismiss modal simply.

    navigator.back(isAnimated: true)
  • go to the page you want. If that page is already within navigation stack, go back to that page. Else if that page is not within stack, push new one.

    navigator.backOrNext(path: "targetPage", items: [:], isAnimated: true)
  • replace current navigation stack with new one.

    navigator.replace(paths: ["main", "depth1", "depth2"], items: [:], isAnimated: true)
  • open page as sheet or full screen cover.

    navigator.sheet(paths: ["sheetPage"], items: [:], isAnimated: true)
    navigator.fullSheet(paths: ["page1", "page2"], items: [:], isAnimated: true, prefersLargeTitles: false)
  • close a modal and call completion closure.

    navigator.close(isAnimated: true) { print("modal dismissed!") }
  • show a system alert.

    let alertModel = Alert(
      title: "Title",
      message: "message",
      buttons: [.init(title: "OK", style: .default, action: { print("OK tapped") })],
      flagType: .default)
    navigator.alert(target: .default, model: alertModel)

- Advanced Usage

  • edit complicated paths and use it.

    // current navigation stack == ["home", "depth1", "depth2", "depth3"]
    // target stack == ["home", "depth1", "newDepth"]
    var new = navigator.range(path: "depth1") + ["newDepth"]
    navigator.replace(paths: new, items: [:], isAnimated: true)
  • control pages behind modal.

    navigator.rootNext(paths: ["targetPage"], items: [:], isAnimated: true)
    navigator.rootBackOrNext(path: "targetPage", items: [:], isAnimated: true)
  • you can choose modal presentation styles for iPhone and iPad respectively.

      paths: ["sheetPage"],
      items: [:],
      isAnimated: true,
      iPhonePresentationStyle: .fullScreen,
      iPadPresentationStyle: .pageSheet,
      prefersLargeTitles: .none)
  • forcely reload the last page behind the modal. This is useful when you need to call the onAppear(perform:) again.

    navigator.rootReloadLast(items: [:], isAnimated: false)

- Example

LinkNavigator provides 2 Example Apps.

- Getting Started

Step 1

  • To install LinkNavigator in your SwiftUI project, you need to implement 4 files.

  • You can freely edit the type names. In the following examples, simple names are used for clarity.

  • Describe in order: AppDependency -> AppRouterGroup -> AppDelegate -> AppMain

    // AppDependency.swift
    // A type that manages external dependencies.
    import LinkNavigator
    struct AppDependency: DependencyType { } // you need to adopt DependencyType protocol here.
    // AppRouterGroup.swift
    // A type that manages the pages you want to go with LinkNavigator.
    import LinkNavigator
    struct AppRouterGroup {
      var routers: [RouteBuilder] {
          HomeRouteBuilder(), // to be implemented in Step 3
    // AppDelegate.swift
    // A type that manages the navigator injected with external dependencies and pages.
    import SwiftUI
    import LinkNavigator
    final class AppDelegate: NSObject {
      var navigator: LinkNavigator {
        LinkNavigator(dependency: AppDependency(), builders: AppRouterGroup().routers)
    extension AppDelegate: UIApplicationDelegate {
      func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
    // AppMain.swift
    // A type that sets the starting page of the Application.
    import SwiftUI
    import LinkNavigator
    struct AppMain: App {
      @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) private var appDelegate
      var navigator: LinkNavigator {
      var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            .launch(paths: ["home"], items: [:]) // the argument of 'paths' becomes starting pages.
            .onOpenURL { url in
            // in case you need deep link navigation,
            // deep links should be processed here.

Step 2

  • Add a navigator property inside the page struct type, so that it is injected when initialized.

  • Depending on the characteristics of the architecture, freely change the position of the navigator property and use it. For example, you can put it in ViewModel or Environment.

    struct HomePage: View {
      let navigator: LinkNavigatorType
      var body: some View {

Step 3

  • Create a struct type adopting the RouteBuilder protocol for every page.

  • RouteBuilder structs created in this way are collected and managed in the AppRouterGroup type.

    import LinkNavigator
    import SwiftUI
    struct HomeRouteBuilder: RouteBuilder {
      var matchPath: String { "home" }
      var build: (LinkNavigatorType, [String: String], DependencyType) -> MatchingViewController? {
        { navigator, items, dependency in
          return WrappingController(matchPath: matchPath) {
            HomePage(navigator: navigator)

- Installation

LinkNavigator supports Swift Package Manager.

let package = Package(
  name: "MyPackage",
  products: [
      name: "MyPackage",
      targets: ["MyPackage"]),
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.6.1"))
  targets: [
      name: "MyPackage",
      dependencies: ["LinkNavigator"])

- Extra

  • Q: How can I use large titles in SwiftUI?
  /// in AppMain.swift (MVI)
  /// To use for route navigation, set the prefersLargeTitles parameter to true in the launch method.
    .launch(paths: ["home"], items: [:], prefersLargeTitles: true)
  /// in HomeView.swift (MVI)
  /// To specify the display mode of the navigation bar title, use the navigationBarTitleDisplayMode (.line, .large, .automatic) in the SwiftUI screen of each screen.
  ScrollView {
  ///  If you want to use it in fullSheet or customSheet,
  /// Home.intent (MVI)
  /// To enable large titles, set the prefersLargeTitles variable to true. To maintain the current settings, use .none.
  navigator.fullSheet(paths: ["page1", "page2"], items: [:], isAnimated: true, prefersLargeTitles: true)
  • Q: I'm wondering how to apply IgnoringSafeArea to a specific part or the entire screen if I want to?

    1. Add the following code to the screen where LinkNavigator is first started (example: AppMain.swift).
    2. Then, add the following example code. (Refer to the AppMain.swift example.)
    .launch(paths: ["home"], items: [:], prefersLargeTitles: true)
    /// - Note:
    ///   If you are using the ignoresSafeArea property to ignore the safe area on an internal screen,
    ///   please add the corresponding code to the part where you first execute the LinkNavigator.
  • Q: In the view controller, I need to handle various tasks such as navigation or calling Firebase events when calling the screen. How should I handle it?

    • You can customize the WrappingController. I will provide an example code for customization.
import SwiftUI
public final class DebugWrappingViewController<Content: View>: UIHostingController<Content>, MatchPathUsable {

  // MARK: Lifecycle

  public init(
    matchPath: String,
    trackEventUseCase: TrackEventUseCase,
    @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content)
    self.matchPath = matchPath
    self.eventSubscriber = eventSubscriber
    self.trackEventUseCase = trackEventUseCase
    super.init(rootView: content())

  required init?(coder _: NSCoder) {
    fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

  deinit {
    print("βœ‚οΈ \(matchPath) deinit...")

  // MARK: Public

  public let matchPath: String

  public override func viewDidLoad() {
    view.backgroundColor = SystemColor.Background.Default.Base.getColor()
    print("πŸš— \(matchPath)")

  // MARK: Private

  private let trackEventUseCase: TrackEventUseCase

- License

This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


🌊 Easy & Powerful navigation library in SwiftUI







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