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File metadata and controls

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Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check Project Status: WIP

The goal of {emberr} is to provide functions to query and retrieve data from the Ember API.

You can view the API documentation for details. Please note the license information provided by Ember:

*Our data is published using the CC-BY-4.0 license. Anyone is able to use our data for any purpose (personal, commercial, etc.). The only requirements by this license are that:

  1. Ember is cited as the data source. E.g. ‘Monthly electricity generation data, Ember’
  2. You may not add any additional legal/technological restrictions to the data.*

See this blog post for a description and examples of the package.


You can install the development version of emberr from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

You will need to sign up for a free API key from Ember.

The package assumes you have stored your API key in your .Renviron file as EMBER_API_KEY. You can also pass in an API key explicitly to each function.

Using the package

The main function to retrieve a dataset from the api is get_ember_data().

There are 4 main datasets available from the API (these correspond to the dataset option in get_ember_data(): - electricity-generation - power-sector-emissions - electricity-demand - carbon-intensity

Each dataset is available in yearly or monthly resolution (the temporal_resolution option in get_ember_data()).

Countries/regions are contained in the entity variable.


Get monthly electricity generation data for 2021-2023. By Default this returns data for all countries/regions (“entities”).


gen <- emberr::get_ember_data(dataset = "electricity-generation", 
                              temporal_resolution = "monthly", 
                              min_date = 2021, 
                              max_date = 2023)

#>   entity entity_code is_aggregate_entity       date    series
#> 1 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2021-01-01 Bioenergy
#> 2 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2021-01-01     Clean
#> 3 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2021-01-01      Coal
#> 4 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2021-01-01    Demand
#> 5 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2021-01-01    Fossil
#> 6 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2021-01-01       Gas
#>   is_aggregate_series generation_twh share_of_generation_pct
#> 1               FALSE           0.11                    0.16
#> 2                TRUE          16.33                   24.11
#> 3               FALSE          20.04                   29.59
#> 4                TRUE          67.73                  100.00
#> 5                TRUE          51.40                   75.89
#> 6               FALSE          29.21                   43.13

The series variable specifies the fuel type:

#>  [1] "Bioenergy"                            
#>  [2] "Clean"                                
#>  [3] "Coal"                                 
#>  [4] "Demand"                               
#>  [5] "Fossil"                               
#>  [6] "Gas"                                  
#>  [7] "Hydro"                                
#>  [8] "Hydro, bioenergy and other renewables"
#>  [9] "Nuclear"                              
#> [10] "Other fossil"                         
#> [11] "Other renewables"                     
#> [12] "Renewables"                           
#> [13] "Solar"                                
#> [14] "Total generation"                     
#> [15] "Wind"                                 
#> [16] "Wind and solar"                       
#> [17] "Net imports"

You can specify a single year instead of a min and max date:

gen_2023 <- emberr::get_ember_data(dataset = "electricity-generation", 
                              temporal_resolution = "monthly", 
                              year = 2023)

#>   entity entity_code is_aggregate_entity       date    series
#> 1 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2023-01-01 Bioenergy
#> 2 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2023-01-01     Clean
#> 3 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2023-01-01      Coal
#> 4 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2023-01-01    Demand
#> 5 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2023-01-01    Fossil
#> 6 Africa        <NA>                TRUE 2023-01-01       Gas
#>   is_aggregate_series generation_twh share_of_generation_pct
#> 1               FALSE           0.23                    0.34
#> 2                TRUE          17.78                   26.08
#> 3               FALSE          17.16                   25.17
#> 4                TRUE          68.18                  100.00
#> 5                TRUE          50.40                   73.92
#> 6               FALSE          27.24                   39.95

The get_ember_options() function can be used to return all options for a varialbe. For example, get options for the entity parameter:

options <- emberr::get_ember_options(dataset = "electricity-generation", filter_name = "entity")

#>  chr [1:228] "ASEAN" "Afghanistan" "Africa" "Albania" "Algeria" ...

or the series parameter:

options_series <- emberr::get_ember_options(dataset = "electricity-generation", filter_name = "series")

#>  [1] "Bioenergy"                            
#>  [2] "Clean"                                
#>  [3] "Coal"                                 
#>  [4] "Demand"                               
#>  [5] "Fossil"                               
#>  [6] "Gas"                                  
#>  [7] "Hydro"                                
#>  [8] "Hydro, bioenergy and other renewables"
#>  [9] "Net imports"                          
#> [10] "Nuclear"                              
#> [11] "Other fossil"                         
#> [12] "Other renewables"                     
#> [13] "Renewables"                           
#> [14] "Solar"                                
#> [15] "Total generation"                     
#> [16] "Wind"                                 
#> [17] "Wind and solar"

Retrieve data for just one country/region by specifying an entity:

df_usa <- emberr::get_ember_data(entity = "United States")

#> 'data.frame':    153 obs. of  8 variables:
#>  $ entity                 : chr  "United States" "United States" "United States" "United States" ...
#>  $ entity_code            : chr  "USA" "USA" "USA" "USA" ...
#>  $ is_aggregate_entity    : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
#>  $ date                   : chr  "2015" "2015" "2015" "2015" ...
#>  $ series                 : chr  "Bioenergy" "Clean" "Coal" "Demand" ...
#>  $ is_aggregate_series    : logi  FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE ...
#>  $ generation_twh         : num  63.6 1353.7 1352.4 4150.7 2730.3 ...
#>  $ share_of_generation_pct: num  1.56 33.15 33.11 101.63 66.85 ...

You can also retrieve data for multiple countries/regions (entities):

df <- get_ember_data(min_date = 2020, entity = "United States,United Kingdom")
#> 'data.frame':    132 obs. of  8 variables:
#>  $ entity                 : chr  "United Kingdom" "United Kingdom" "United Kingdom" "United Kingdom" ...
#>  $ entity_code            : chr  "GBR" "GBR" "GBR" "GBR" ...
#>  $ is_aggregate_entity    : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
#>  $ date                   : chr  "2020" "2020" "2020" "2020" ...
#>  $ series                 : chr  "Bioenergy" "Clean" "Coal" "Demand" ...
#>  $ is_aggregate_series    : logi  FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE ...
#>  $ generation_twh         : num  39.53 184.8 5.49 333.15 130.1 ...
#>  $ share_of_generation_pct: num  12.55 58.69 1.74 105.8 41.31 ...