Documentation is found in the wiki.
(a dedicated documentation for HarryPlotter can be found here)
To help understand the framework concept, a comprehensive example is included. To try it out in a CMSSW environment, run the following code:
scram p CMSSW_6_2_3
cd CMSSW_6_2_3/
cd src/
git clone
scram b -j4
scram b runtests
cd Artus/Example/data/
artusExample exampleConfig.json
root -l sample_output.root
This will produce the output file "sample_output.root" which contains two folders with histograms and different filter settings. You can also run the example with a different configuration file:
artusExample exampleConfigNtuple.json
This will produce the output file sample_output_ntuple.root which uses the NtupleConsumerBase class to produce ROOT Ntuples instead of histograms.
To compile standalone, make sure you have a recent ROOT and cmake installation available in your system. Furthermore, you should have at least gcc 4.7 to benefit from the C++11 support.
git clone
cd Artus
cmake .
make -j4
cd Example/data/
../../artusExample exampleConfig.json
root -l sample_output.root
This will produce the output file "sample_output.root" which contains two folders with histograms and different filter settings. You can also run the example with a different configuration file:
../../artusExample exampleConfigNtuple.json
This will produce the output file sample_output_ntuple.root which uses the NtupleConsumerBase class to produce ROOT Ntuples instead of histograms.
Information about compiler warnings and static code analysis can be found at Core/docs/