Factoryboy base factories and helpers for Google App Engine ndb models
from gaendb.factories import NDBFactory, KeyAttribute
class UserFactory(NDBFactory):
class Meta:
model = User
name = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
gender = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(['M', 'F'])
class ArticleFactory(NDBFactory):
class Meta:
model = Article
author = KeyAttribute(UserFactory)
title = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
In [1]: article = ArticleFactory() # build
In [2]: article.author
Out [2]: Key('User', 1)
In [3]: article.author.get()
Out [3]: User(key=Key('User', 1), gender='F', name=u'UvaxfhCjiwlg') # built instance
Can set id
and/or parent
of the key when building:
In [1]: article = ArticleFactory(id=27)
In [2]: article.key
Out [2]: Key('Article', 27)