- Add a way to create a whole resource
- Add unit tests
- Add documentation
- husky hooks for precommit
- GitHub action to run tests
- Github Actions CI badge
- Dependabot
- CodeClimate quality badge
- CodeClimate coverage badge
- Version number badge
- Workout strategy for supporting request headers (e.g. bearer-token for authentication/authorization)
- Workout strategy for supporting preHandlers in fastify
- Workout strategy for supporting schema validation in fastify
- Workout strategy for custom API routes and controller/service actions to support that
- Workout strategy for implementing referential integrity on HTTP requests to nested resources
- Workout strategy for being able to map/transform params/body passed from controller action to service
- Workout strategy for abstracting Objection.js so that a Mongoose model for MongoDB could be used for example
A CLI to generate the code in folders and files for you:
models/ Application.js controllers/ application.js services/ application.js routes/ application.js index.js file
So that you don't have to write lines of code in those places, if you wish to support the custom strategy.