Rudimentary class lib that can read and write StarDict dictionaries. Also, a Powershell module which acts as a very basic cli StarDict dictionary lookup program.
- Add full path of *.ifo files of dictionaries to global variables:
$Global:Dict1 = Set-Dict "full/path/to/somedict.ifo"
- Optionally, add them to arrays in order to create dictionary groups:
$Global:English = @($Dict1, $Dict2, $Dict3, $Dict4)
$Global:French = @($Dict5, $Dict6, $Dict7)
At lines 100 and 154 add full path of elinks if it is not in the PATH. elinks enable us to display HTML nicely on the terminal.
Put StarDict.psm1 and StarDictNet.dll right next to your Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Add these 2 lines to your Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1:
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\StarDict.psm1
- Lookup words:
- Lookup at a single dictionary:
$Dict1 | Get-Def Beleaguered -IgnoreCase <# will match beleaguered also #> $Dict1 | Get-DefRegex "^beleag*" <# get words that starts with beleag #> $FrenchDict1 | Get-Def "eutes" -IgnoreDiacritics <# instead of eûtes #>
- Lookup at multiple dictionaries:
$English | Get-BatchDef "daredevil" $Turkce | Get-BatchDefRegex "^\b(\w+)\s\1$" <# search reduplicative words with regex #>
Ignore diacritics while searching.
Query with regular expressions
Windows elinks build is provided as-is, use at your own risk.