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New and Noteworthy 1.2.0

angelozerr edited this page Apr 17, 2017 · 14 revisions

New and Noteworthy 1.2.0

Here's a list of the most noteworthy things in the 1.2.0 release which is available for download since 14/04/2017. You can see issues for 1.2.0

TypeScript 2.1.6 & 2.2.0

TypeScript 2.1.6 and 2.2.0 is available as embedded TypeScript. You can benefit with 2.1.6 like completion on path:

TypeScript Completion On Path

TypeScript Editor


By default, The syntax coloring of the TypeScript Editor is very basic:

NoText MateSyntax Coloring

You can now have advanced syntax coloring like this:

TextMate Syntax Coloring Light

To benefit with this advanced syntax coloring, you must activate TextMate support:

TextMate Preferences

Here a sample with JSX:

TextMate Syntax Coloring Light JSX

If you activate Dark theme:

TextMate Preferences

Your editor will look like this:

TextMate Syntax Coloring Dark

Technically, the TypeScript Editor consume a TypeScript TextMate grammar like VSCode does. It uses TM4E - TextMate support in Eclipse IDE which is an experimental project. It's not perfect and there are some bugs so please give us feedback, bugs at here!

Quick fixes

Quick fixes are now available since TypeScript 2.1.4 provides the code fixes feature. Here a sample with TypeScript 2.2.0 which provides import code fix:


See Editor CodeFixes to see the available code fixes.

tslint integration

tslint integration works now with TypeScript Plugins. The tslint validation can be done when you are typing in the editor or when you compile TypeScript.

tslint demo

See TypeScript Plugins section to enable tslint.

Open Implementation

Since TypeScript 2.1.0, TypeScript provides Open implementation feature that you can use with Ctrl+T:

TypeScript Open Implementation

Format on Save

Format can be done now when you save your TypeScript editor. To do that, you must activate the Save Actions from the TypeScript / Editor / Save Actions project properties:

Format on save

Auto generated JSDoc comments

Auto generated JSDoc comments feature is now available:

Auto Generated JSDoc Comments Demo

Automatic Type Acquisition (ATA)

Here a basic demo with Automatic Type Acquisition (ATA):

ATA Demo

See ATA for more information.

Compile on save

Compile on save is done now with tsserver which improves a lot performances.

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