The purpose of this project is to make a compiler in Java that checks whether or not a minipython file has any lexical/syntax errors.
- Minipython implements the following:
- Assigning integers, decimals and strings.
- Assigning lists to variables.
- Declaring functions with simple arguments or with default values.
- If, print, while, for functions.
- Function calls.
- Single line comments.
#A miniPython example
def fib(n): # write Fibonacci series up to n
a = 0
b = 1
while a < n:
print a
a = b
b = a + b
def funcwithdef(name,university="aueb"):
print name, " studies in ", university
- Creates the syntax tree of the given minipython file. You can either use
or create your own python files and use those.
- Open cmd and navigate to where your files are located. From there do the following:
sablecc minipython.grammar
java ASTTest
- The AST is printed in your terminal.
Implements two visitors that check for the following in a given minipython file:
- Use of undeclared variable. A variable is considered declared if it is assigned a value or if it is used as an argument in a function declaration, all variables are global.
def add(x,y):
return x + y
print k
The following code is wrong because the variable is used before declaration.
def add(x,y):
return x + y
print k
k = 0
Calling an undeclared function (here a function can be used before the declaration).
Incorrect argument definition in function call.
The following code is correct.
def add(x,y=2):
return x + y
print add(1)
- Using a variable of a different type (eg Integer with String) as an integer.
def add(x,y):
return x + y
k="hello world"
print add(2,k)
Arithmetic expressions in which the following are used as operators: None, type(variable)
Incorrect way of using a function call
def add(x,y):
return "hello world"
print add(2,1)+2
- Function overload
The following is wrong (Both functions need at least 2 arguments)
def add(x,y):
def add(x,y,z=1)
The following is wrong (Both functions need at most 3 arguments)
def add(x,y,z):
def add(x,y,z=1)
- Open cmd and navigate to where your files are located. From there do the following:
sablecc minipython.grammar
java ParserTest
- If there are semantic errors, they will be printed in your terminal.