I'm a Robotics (ROS2/C++) Software Engineer at Trossen Robotics. I work on the Perception and Localization software for their AgileX-based rover platflorm. During my master's, I worked on research related to minimalistic vision-based navigation of compact aerial robots with on-board sensing and compute. Before that, I have over 2 years of work experience working as a Machine Learning Developer, Hardware Interface Intern and Robotics Intern, which gave me a wide variety of skills.
- Website: https://aniketmpatil.github.io/
- LinkedIn: aniket_patil97
- Email: [apatil2 at wpi dot edu]
- Aniket Patil, Mandeep Singh, Uday Girish Maradana and Nitin J. Sanket, "MinNav : Minimalist Navigation Using Optical Flow For Active Tiny Aerial Robots" (under review IEEE RA-L) - Project Webpage
- Custom Localization and Navigation Stack for Autonomous Vehicles - (C++)
- Stereo Visual Odometry (Computer Vision, C++)
- Classical Structure from Motion Implementation (Computer Vision, Python)
- NeRF (Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Python)
- Depth and Pose Estimation from Monocular Camera Motion
(Research with PeAR Group, analysis on SFMLearner and other implementations) - Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Cloud for Autonomous Vehicles (Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Python)
- Reinforcement Learning for Lane Keeping and Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicles
(Reinforcement Learning, Python) - SCARA Robot ROS Package (Robot Kinematics, ROS, C++, Python)
- Human-Aware Robot Navigation (Motion Planning, ROS, Python)
- Visual Servoing ROS Package (Vision Based Manipulation, Python)