This is a collection of all the experiments I do with low level computer concepts.
As of 16-05-2023, according to my (admittedly limited) knowledge, low level stuff is mainly - C, ASM, (rust?), memory management, implementing on my own, the things one might take for granted. I love the concept, but there is much I have to learn.
As for some background, the only experience I have with programming is the last 2 years of high school, where I was taught Python - I made a hotel management system in the end so that was fun, it had an SQL backend, and a nice frontend, that I used html & css for (yes! No JS library, I've always disliked that concept). My CS teacher, Ms. Kaushal is the one I would like to credit for getting me into computer programming. Before 11th, I was afraid of programming, very much, actually.
As for what programming experience I have so far? My 2 years in HS, I've read about 3-4 chapters of K&R (The C Programming Language), I've seen about 10 of Jacob Sorber's Beginner C Series. I have no clue how Rust works, also I've solved about 10 exercises on the C track. God help me.