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-BlocBuilder -BlocProvider -MultiBlocProvider -BlocListener -BlocConsumer

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lib# bloc_sample_flutter

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![BLoC Concepts](/Users/jeelshah/Desktop/Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 3.05.39 PM.png "BLoC pattern")

Below is the implementation of a login model using the BLoC pattern:

Step 1: Define the Models Create the LoginRequestModel and LoginResponseModel.

Step 2: Define the Repository Implement a repository to handle the login API call.

Step 3: Define the Events Create an abstract class for login events and a specific event for login requests.

Step 4: Define the States Create an abstract class for login states and specific states for different scenarios.

Step 5: Define the BLoC Develop the LoginBloc class to handle login events and manage states.

Step 6: Implement the UI Build a UI to interact with the BLoC and display different states.

Summary Models: Define LoginRequestModel and LoginResponseModel for request and response data. Repository: Implement LoginRepository to manage the login API call. Events: Define events extending LoginEvent, specifically LoginRequestEvent. States: Define states extending LoginState, including LoginInitState, LoginLoadingState, LoginLoadedState, and LoginErrorState. BLoC: Implement LoginBloc to handle events and manage states. UI: Create a login page UI that interacts with the BLoC and displays different states.

Models: Define LoginRequestModel and LoginResponseModel for request and response data. Repository: Implement LoginRepository for making the login API call. Events: Define events extending LoginEvent, specifically LoginRequestEvent. States: Define states extending LoginState, including LoginInitState, LoginLoadingState, LoginLoadedState, and LoginErrorState. BLoC: Implement LoginBloc to handle events and manage states. UI: Create a login page UI that interacts with the BLoC and displays different states.

LoginPage: The main LoginPage widget builds the scaffold and uses padding for consistent spacing. _LoginTextField: A reusable stateless widget for the text fields, accepting hintText and obscureText parameters. The obscureText parameter is used to obscure the password input. _LoginButton: A reusable stateless widget for the login button with a placeholder for the onPressed logic.

LoginEvent is an abstract class extending Equatable to enable event comparison. LoginRequestEvent represents the event to initiate a login request with the required loginRequestModel parameter.

BlocProvider - to access your bloc with single and whole app must have to add in main.dart with MultiBlocProvider BlocBuild -(BlocBuilder<LoginBloc,LoginState>) => update your ui with builder: (context, state){} this will return widgets

Bloc Listener - > doing logic leve operation like condition,navigation,display toast ,etc Bloc Consumer -> its both combine bloc listener and bloc builder in single widgets

BlocSelector is a Flutter widget which is analogous to BlocBuilder but allows developers to filter updates by selecting a new value based on the current bloc state. Unnecessary builds are prevented if the selected value does not change. The selected value must be immutable in order for BlocSelector to accurately determine whether builder should be called again.

If the bloc parameter is omitted, BlocSelector will automatically perform a lookup using BlocProvider and the current BuildContext.

RepositoryProvider # RepositoryProvider is a Flutter widget which provides a repository to its children via RepositoryProvider.of(context). It is used as a dependency injection (DI) widget so that a single instance of a repository can be provided to multiple widgets within a subtree. BlocProvider should be used to provide blocs whereas RepositoryProvider should only be used for repositories.

Using the bloc library allows us to separate our application into three layers:

->Presentation ->Business Logic ->DataLayer = 1.Repository 2.Data Provider

Data Provider Bloc State Management