- Follow the instruction here to install Ampligraph
- Run one of the model code in /ampligraph/ampligraph_*.py
$: conda activate ampligraph
$: python3 ampligraph_TransE.py
- Follow the instructions here to install Horovod
- Follow the instructions here to install the TKGC codes
- Run one of the TKGC models
$: horovodrun -np 2 -H localhost:2 python -BW ignore main.py --dataset deNetwork3_1 --model TTransE --dropout 0.2 --embedding-size 8 --learning-rate 0.01 --epochs 100 --batch-size 32 --test-batch-size 30 --negative-samples 64 --filter --mode head --validation-frequency 2 --threads 2 --workers 1
Summary of Horovod & TKGC installation:
conda create -n horovod python=3.6
conda install -y openmpi
conda install -y -c cmake
conda install -y -c pytorch pytorch
conda install -y gxx_linux-64
HOROVOD_WITH_PYTORCH=1 pip install -v --no-cache-dir horovod[pytorch]
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Amend the
to use the appropriate dataset converter
from preprocessing.log2dataset_tkgc
#from preprocessing.log2dataset_tkgcTA
#from preprocessing.log2dataset
- Place the raw network log dataset
that is to be converted - Run the script
to generateoutput.csv
- Install Neo4j and create a graph database
- Place the
in the database import folder - Run the following cypher command:
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///output.csv" as row
CALL apoc.merge.node(['uid'], {id:row[0]}, {})
YIELD node as startNode
CALL apoc.merge.node([row[1]], {id:row[2]}, {})
YIELD node as endNode
CALL apoc.create.relationship(startNode, row[1], {id:row[1]}, endNode) yield rel
RETURN distinct 'done'
The experiment results for both temporal (Horovod/TKGC) and non-temporal (Ampligraph) models are collated in the results