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Anjan Nair edited this page Sep 27, 2020 · 4 revisions

The Discord Bot Wiki

Why I created this page?

Over the few months I developed the bot a lot of doubts were formed and solved by various people including Discord code groups and Stackoverflow (ofcourse). To whoever uses this code and wishes to reuse this, I don't want them to waste their time finding for answers that have been solved.

So here I write a small wiki/ documentation and hope it helped them make their dream bot.

Why should I make a bot?

Good question. Firstly a lot of big bots out there aren't open source (with the exception of YAAGPDB.XYZ). I believe all the bots hosted on Discord should open source their projects so someone new can learn something new.

Making your own bot really gives you a good understanding of a lot of aspects of Javascript which you may not have known before.

Side note: All those premium features on those big bots are very easy to code!!

Ready to begin your journey?