The application retrieves data quality reports collected by the CZTI component of the ASTROSAT satllite and displays them on an android device. Astrosat is India's first dedicated multi-wavelength space telescope. More info about this can be found here. Application Screenshots
Alpha testing was successfully conducted on 10+ users and the application was compatible for 80% of the devices that ran on the android version Marshmallow. More details about the testing can be found here.
You can check the final user interface here.
Architectural Optimization of Large Scale Astronomical Data
The paper describes the design and benefits of using a django framwork archiecture to retrieve heterogeneous astronomical data.
DOI: 10.1109/ICCCNT45670.2019.8944504
Comparative Analysis for an Optimized Data-Driven System
The paper compares a django architecture design and a naive approach to retieve data from a server on factors like retrieval time and efficiency proving that the data retrieval speed can be improved by 97.2% by using a django architecture and google volley.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0790-8_4