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64 lines (61 loc) · 5.73 KB


This folder contains all cpp solutions for cpp-blind-75.

Files with suffix _std uses input.txt and output.txt as STDIN and STDOUT (used in OnlineJudge).

01 Array - Two Sum 27-07-2023
02 Array - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 27-07-2023
03 Array - Contains Duplicate 27-07-2023
04 Array - Product of Array Except Self 27-07-2023
05 Array - Maximum Subarray 28-07-2023
06 Array - Maximum Product SubArray 28-July-2023
07 Array - Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 28-July-2023
08 Array - Search in Rotated Sorted Array 28-July-2023
09 Array - 3Sum 28-July-2023
10 Array - Container With Most Water 28-July-2023
11 Binary - Sum of Two Integers 28-July-2023
12 Binary - Number of 1 Bits 28-July-2023
13 Binary - Counting Bits 28-July-2023
14 Binary - Missing Number 28-July-2023
15 Binary - Reverse Bits 28-July-2023
16 Matrix - Set Matrix Zeroes 29-July-2023
17 Matrix - Spiral Matrix 29-July-2023
18 Matrix - Rotate Image 29-July-2023
19 Matrix - Word Search 29-July-2023
20 Linked List - Reverse Linked List 02-August-2023
21 Linked List - Linked List Cycle 02-August-2023
22 Linked List - Merge Two Sorted Lists 02-August-2023
23 Linked List - Merge k Sorted Lists 02-Aug-2023
24 Linked List - Remove Nth Node From End of List 02-Aug-2023
25 Linked List - Reorder List 02-Aug-2023
26 String - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 03-Aug-2023
27 String - Longest Repeating Character Replacement 03-Aug-2023
28 String - Minimum Window Substring 03-Aug-2023
29 String - Valid Anagram 05-Aug-2023
30 String - Group Anagrams 05-Aug-2023
31 String - Valid Parentheses 05-Aug-2023
32 String - Valid Palindrome 05-Aug-2023
33 String - Longest Palindromic Substring 05-Aug-2023
34 String - Palindromic Substrings 05-Aug-2023
35 String - Encode and Decode Strings 05-Aug-2023
36 Heap - Top K Frequent Elements_Bucket Sort 06-Aug-2023
37 Heap - Find Median from Data Stream 06-Aug-2023
38 Interval - Insert Interval 06-Aug-2023
39 Interval - Merge Intervals 06-Aug-2023
40 Interval - Non-overlapping Intervals 06-Aug-2023
41 Interval - Meeting Rooms 06-Aug-2023
42 Interval - Meeting Rooms II 06-Aug-2023
43 Tree - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 06-Aug-2023
44 Tree - Same Tree 07-Aug-2023
45 Tree - Invert Binary Tree 07-Aug-2023
46 Tree - Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 07-Aug-2023
47 Tree - Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 07-Aug-2023
48 Tree - Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 07-Aug-2023
49 Tree - Subtree of Another Tree 07-Aug-2023
50 Tree - Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 07-Aug-2023
51 Tree - Validate Binary Search Tree 07-Aug-2023
52 Tree - Kth Smallest Element in a BST 07-Aug-2023
53 Tree - Lowest Common Ancestor of BST 07-Aug-2023
54 Tree - Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 07-Aug-2023
55 Tree - Add and Search Word 08-Aug-2023
56 Tree - Word Search II 08-Aug-2023