This KOTLIN repository is to demonatrate the use of ROOM in android application. Its inspired from this ( ) google codelabs repository. It inserts 100 words, each at the interval of 500 ms (to demonstrate the ui changes due to LiveData & ViewModel after data is inserted in RoomDatabase). Also you can add your own words and the ui will be updated instantly.
#Note1: There might be some issues/error in the code. I am uploading this repo just because there were hardly any resources related to 'Implementation of room using KotlinX and Architecture Components'
#Note2: that this library uses Anko( ) so some methods like doAsync{}, uiThread{} etc might be confusing for you.
Along with ROOM, it also uses other architecture component like:
1-> WorkManager 2-> LiveData 3-> ViewModel 4-> DAO,Entities and RoomDatabase 5-> Room library 6-> Android Architecture Components 7-> Anko