This is a quiz app consisting of 5 quiz questions which is based on ReactJS. At first, a user gives his/her username after that he/she can start the quiz and after submitting the quiz, he/she can see the score immediately (with percentage). The quiz is time-based which is 1 minute. If the quiz is not submitted within the gien time-frame, the quiz is automatically submitted and the use can see the score. If a user is trying reload the website during taking the quiz, the quiz ends at that moment and the score of the user will be 0. After submitting the quiz, he/she can see the top scorer of the quiz (username with score). Total score for the quiz is 25 (5 marks for 5 questions).
Frontend: HTML, CSS, and ReactJS
Backend: Python - Django, and Django REST Framework (For making APIs)
Database: SQLite - Django's default database