This project tries to automate the build and deployment of a Quarkus application using Tekton Pipelines.
- A Github account to store the code.
- An Openshift cluster
- A GPG key to sign the code commits.
- A account to store the container images.
- Sonarqube instance to analyze the code quality.
- The pipeline
- Custom Tasks
- The Triggers
- Supporting resources:
- Secrets
- Config Map
The pipeline is defined in the file pipeline.yaml
. It contains the following tasks:
helm install java-pipeline .
Trigger the pipeline
$ tkn pipeline start java-pipeline \
-p git-url= \
-p \
-w name=shared-workspace,claimName=java-pipeline-pvc \
-w name=dockerconfig,secret=quay-secret \
Log progress as shown. If there are two or more running, the shell is interactive to allow you to pick correct log
$ tkn pipeline logs -f
? Select pipelinerun: [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> build-and-deploy-run-xy7rw started 36 seconds ago
build-and-deploy-run-z2rz8 started 40 seconds ago
Re-run last pipeline
$ tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy --last