- Download Anaconda
- Download Visual Studio Code
- Download Postman
- Clone the directory and open it in vs code
- In terminal, enter activate to activate the base environment of Anaconda
Install the below dependencies to avoid any errors incase they're not already installed
- Install Flask
pip install flask
- Install Flask-Cors
pip install -U flask-cors
- Install requests Lib
pip install requests
- Install pycrypto (collection of hash functions)
pip install pycrypto
- In the terminal, run the following command
python node.py
or to run multiple nodes, in a new terminal
python node.py -p<port_number>
- Open Postman Client, Test the below API Calls
Below is a list of API calls and short description about what they do, these api calls can conveniently be executed in Postman Localhost & Port have been set in node.py file, by default I've set them as with port=5000
Creates a blockchain.txt file that contains information regarding the transactions and other information related to the blockchain
- [POST] Mine a Block:
- [GET] Get snapshot of current blockchain:
- [POST] Add a New Transaction:
Before executing the above api call, in Postman, Go to "Body" > "Raw" > Select "Json" in the current window and enter the following data:
eg. { "recipient": "NameofRecipient", "amount": 5 }
- [GET] Get a List of all Open Transactions:
creates a wallet.txt file with your port number that contains information regarding your wallet such as public key, private key
- [POST] Generate Wallet:
- [GET] Fetch Wallet:
- [GET] Fetch Wallet Balance:
You can run multiple nodes and test communication between the two by opening two terminals inside vs code and executing the python node.py file with arguments -p 5001 or --port 5001. So, it will look like python node.py -port 5001
You can create as many nodes/servers you want by using the open ports and appending them to the python node.py --port <port_number> command
- [POST] Add Peer Node to Your Chain Network:
Before executing the above api call, in Postman, Go to "Body" > "Raw" > Select "Json" in the current window and enter the following data:
e.g. { "node": "localhost:5001" }
- [DELETE] Delete Peer Node:
e.g. localhost:5000/node/localhost:5001
- [GET] Get all the Nodes in your Network:
block.py - represents single block of our blockchain
blockchain.py - represents the blockchain
node.py - contains all the routes for API calls
node_console.py - provides a user interface using while loop to interact with blockchain from within the vs code terminal
transaction.py - represents open transactions
wallet.py - Implements functionality to generate wallet, public & private key and other security related algorithm
API_calls_screenshot Folder - contains screenshots of successful API calls and their output
Utility > hash_util.py - Implements functionality to hash a block
Utility > printable.py - Converts binary data to string for printing in console
Utility > verification.py - Implements proof of work and verification of chain and transactions
Legacy_blockchain_files - contains old files related to project
Huge credits to Dapp university & howCode for explaining the concepts and how to implement them in python.