All parents and especially Mothers are every day super heroes!
Mom-Network is a content-sharing social platform for Busy Mothers. The application allows users to browse each other's content as well as add, edit and delete their posts, comments, profiles. They can write messages to each other and exchange information about their children's specific age and interest related issues. They can subscribe to a newsletter to recieve the highlights of the social network per email to stay engaged even outside the platform.
Main Technologies are:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- React.js
- Bootstrap.js
- Django REST Framework API
This is the fifth and final Portfolio Project in frames of the Code Institute Full Stack Web Developer Course Assessment.
👇 Click the link below for the live view:
It is crucial to identify and get to know the website user in order to enhance the user experience. A Persona method helps 'bringing to life' a real-life individual with personality traits, favourite choices and preferences. Jane Smith (the Persona) is a working mother that loves bio products and enjoys walks in the nature. She will like the Mom Network colour pallette in natural tones.
More about this user Persona is described in my previous project, called Mom Lifehacks:
Some of the most important user stories are:
As a site user, I can register and log in so that I can view my news feed and profile.
As a user, I can see a navigation bar so that I can easily find the desired path to interact with.
As a site user I can Create a post so that I can share my experiences with others.
As a site user, I can View an individual post so that I can read the comments to it.
As a site user, I can Edit my own post so that I can correct the information.
As a site user I can Delete my own post so that I can remove the no longer needed information.
All user stories as part of a project:
There have been two main device views considered for the responsivity of Mom Schedule: Mobile and Larger Monitor. Some efforts have been made for the application to be mobile friendly. However there is room for implovement. The Methods to achieve desired device responsivity level include Bootstrap5 features and custom CSS.
Initial test result: Am I responsive?
In order to reassure the user for the actions they have taken, as well as to guide them, user-friendly messages have been created.
All parents are every day super heroes and the logo shows their strength when joining the powers in a network together!
All thematic groups directly accessible through the navigation panel
Groups overview
Selected specific group page
To recieve the highlights and invitations per email. Even if one had no time to participate in networking activities, they can stay engaged with Mom network.
- Like/unlike post
- Follow/unfollow a profile and a thematic group
For this project there have been two github repositories created - the current one for frontend development and another one for backend development of the database structure:
👇 Click the link below for the database structure:
- React Bootstrap
- Font awesome
Some parts of the project have been created using sections of code from other sources. An example of this is code generated through AI technologies - "GPT-3.5" by OpenAI.
In the browser by running the local server.
Testing project feature functionality from the admin panel.
console.logging for the api responses
writing test components for the basic api fetching
Three devices for responsivoty: a larger monitor, a laptop and an iPhone 8.
A user experience walkthrough with decision making logic.
Writing a sample message with hard-coded sender and recipient in the api backend and displaying it on front-end
Admin panel
Displaying a test rersponse on the frontend
An example of debuggin process:
🐞 data.results wrong access code
Before: console.log(data)
💡 added .results to access the desired array of data
After console.log(data.results)
Remaining issues are documented and marked as bugs or enhancement in the project backlog:
The project is deployed to GitHub via Gitpod Terminal with an integrated VScode editor. Then it is connected to the Heroku app to be reached via a web browser for user convenience.
The project was deployed to Heroku as follows:
- Create an account and log in to
- Click 'New' from the dashboard, and from the drop-down menu select "Create new app"
- Make a unique app name: mom-network-frontend
- Choose a relevant geographical region, Europe
- Click "Create app"
- In the settings menu, go to "Config Vars" section
- Click "Reveal Config Vars", where dependencies are installed
- In "Deploy" tab, select Github as the deployment method
- Connect to GitHub
- Find the project repository and click "connect" next to it
- "Enable Automatic Deploys" for automatic deployment with every new change
Moments walkthrough project for basic component examples
Bootstrap navigation bar:
Bootstrap cards:
CSS tricks:
"GPT-3.5" by OpenAI - artificial intelligence platform for generaing basic component, discussing the co-dependencies and revealing bugs
Wireframes: balsamiq
Diff Checker:
Seán Murphy - the course tutor for friendly help with database reset and refactoring some code
Richard Wells - the course mentor for friendly guidance and a project initiation session
Jakob Lövhall - help with maintaining the study schedule, countless hours of babysitting and motivational encouragement