Project for the course of Computational Human Genomics, held by Prof. Francesca Demichelis (a.y. 2021-2022)
The data for this project can be found here:
We started from two BAM files (Tumor and matched Control), along with other files (reference genome, annotation files, ...) with the aim to perform Germline Variant Calling, Somatic Small and Copy-Number Variant Calling, Ancestry Analysis, and Tumor Ploidy and Purity estimation.
The project is aimed at answers 10 specific tasks:
- Explore statistics about the raw aligned reads contained in the two BAM files
- Perform realignment and recalibration on those
- Identify and annotate heterozygous SNPs
- Determine the ancestry of the patients
- Identify somatic copy number variants
- Identify somatic point mutations
- Determine how DNA Repair Genes have been impacted by germline CNVs and SNPs
- Determine which DNA repair genes overlap both germline heterozygous copy-number deletions and somatic point mutations
- Determine tumor purity and ploidy
- Determine the similarity of Tumor and Control samples