This university project, assigned to us, involved substantial effort and collaboration. It aimed at revamping the existing University of Athens (UOA) website (for declarations and grades).
React, Vite, Tailwind, Express, MongoDB
For the Prototype we used Figma
The code is organized with a focus on easy extensibility.
- components : Tools/Pages needed in multiple places on our pages.
- Pages are organized into categories according to their type.
Folders containing the implemented pages:
Common : Common pages used by both students and teachers.
Help : Support pages for various questions to facilitate user assistance.
- Recovery.jsx : Password recovery.
- MobileApp.jsx : "Advertisement" of the mobile application.
- ConnectHelp.jsx : Assistance for users who do not know how to connect to the platform.
- ContactAdmin.jsx : Contacting the administrator.
- CommonQuestions.jsx :Frequently asked questions (one for students and one for teachers).
Login.jsx : Page for user login to the myStudies platform (uses the Login component for user authentication).
Profile.jsx : User profile with personal details.
Student : Pages for students
Certifications : Pages for certifications.
- Certifications.jsx : Page with various options for a user regarding certifications (apply, view application history, or check status).
- CertificationsStatus.jsx :View the status of applications made by a student.
- CertificationsHistory.jsx : View the history of applications made by a student.
- CertificationsRequest.jsx : Process for applying for a certification with steps a student needs to follow.
CoursesProgram : View of the study program
- Courses.jsx : Page for viewing the study program of the school with the courses offered in each semester.
Declarations : Course declarations
- Declarations.jsx : Process for declaring the courses a student wants to take in a semester with steps a student needs to follow.
Grades : View grades
- GradesStudent.jsx :View of grades in the courses taken by a student with various options or filters that someone might want.
HistoryDeclarations : View of declaration history
- History.jsx : View of the declarations made by a user in the past up to the most recent.
Home : Main Page for students
- Home.jsx : Central page providing useful information about the user's progress in school.
Professor : Pages for teachers
Grades : Pages for updating or declaring grades in the courses taught by a teacher in the semester.
- GradesProfessor.jsx : Providing options for a teacher regarding the grading of students (record grades/view old grades).
- GradesCreate.jsx : Page where a teacher can record students' grades.
- GradesShow.jsx : Page where a teacher can view old grades.
Home : Main Page for teachers
- Home.jsx : Central page providing information about the courses a teacher has taken in the semester.
Frontend :
cd myStudies
npm install
npm run dev
cd api
npm install
node index.js
- usernames:
- sdi2400001
- sdi1900125
- sdi2400222
- ioikonomou
- nickpetras
The password for every user is
- For the sake of simplifying the database and API requests, we assume that there is only one department in this school. Therefore, we fetch all the courses available and offered to students from the database.
- Modifying course declarations is accomplished similarly to creating a new course declaration. If there is a previous declaration, it is deleted, and the new one is stored. (The courses selected in the previous declaration are not automatically selected in the new one).