Because I need some structure! .This will help me take steps to build my portfolio, friends, and confidence as I aim for the next level in my career as a developer.
Day 1: Start -- Learnt Recursion & also solved some problems in HackerRank on Recursion part,
Day 2: Learnt Big O notation & Time complexity.also, uploaded my solved HackerRank problem solutions.
Day 3: learnt about "Bit wise operators"
Day 4 learnt about "Stack"
- Introduction of stack
- Application of stack
- Implementation of stact
Day 5 Learnt about stack implementaion
- Stack using infix to postfix
- Using stack to reverse a string
Day 6
- Evaluation of postfix expression(single digit expression)
- Expression 2 (Integer contains with mutible digits)
Day 7 Learnt about Queue
- Introduction to queue
- Application of Queue data-structure
- HeapQ or heapQueue
- Queue implementation using list
- Queue implementation using collection.Deque
- Queue implementation using queue.Queue
Day 8
- Queue using stacks
- Reversing a Queue
- Reversing a Queue using recursion
Day 9
- Reversing the first k element
- Sorting a Queue
- Interleave the first half of Queue with second half
Day 10
- Introduction to Linked List
- Implementation of singly linked list
- Implementation of doubly linked list
- Advandage and disadvantages of linked list
Day 11
- Circular Linked list
- Pros & Cons in Circular Linked list
- Insertion in singly Linked list
- Insertion in Doubly Linked list
Day 12
- Circular singly linked list
- Implementation of circular singly linked list
Day 13
- Detect Loop in Linked List
- Loop detection using floyd's Algorithm
- Find Middle of linked list
Day 14
- Detect and delete loop
- deleting in linked list
- reverse a linked list
Day 15
- Segregaring Even and Odd
- Find Nth Node in Linked list
Day 16
- Merge two sorted linked list
- Pairwise swap elements
- Palindrome
Day 17
- Introduction to tree
- Implementation of tree
- Application of tree
Day 18
- Tree Traversals
- Size of tree
- level order traversal
Day 19
- Height of binary Tree
- Left view of binary tree
- find maximum and minimum in binary tree
Day 20
- Print nodes at k distance from root
- Children sum properity in Binary tree
- Maximum width of a binary tree
Day 21
- Lowest common ancestor in a binary tree
- Diameter of binary tree
Day 22
- flip binary tree
- tree isomorphism problem
Day 23
- Insertion in binary search tree
- Searching in binary searcg tree
Day 24
- Deletion in Binary search tree
Day 25
- Floor in binary search tree
- self balancing tree
Day 26
- Find a binary tree or Binary search tree
Day 27
- Binary tree(Implementation, Introduction, Applications)
Day 28
- Monte hall 3 doors game
- Rock, Paper, Scissor game
Day 29
- Introduction of sorting algorithm
- Bubble sort
Day 30
- Introduction and implementation of Selecting sort
Day 31
- Introduction and implementation of Insertion sort
- Recursive Bubble sort
- sort an array of strings using selection sort
Day 32
- Recursive Insertion sort
- Introduction and Implementation of Merge sort
Day 33
- Magic Square(Mini project)
Day 34
- Tic Tak Toe game project
Day 35
- Second implementation for merge sort
Day 36
- Iterative Merge sort
- Iterative Quick sort
Day 37
- Heap sort
Day 38
- Snake and Ladder game
Day 39
- Shell sort
Day 40
- Lottery simulation
Day 41
- Image Enhancing
- Image flipping
Day 42
- Black Jack Game simulation
Day 43
- Introduction to searching algorithms
- Implementation for linear search
- Implementation for Binary search
Day 44
- Bank account manager (The goal is to create a class called Account which will be an abstract class
for three other classes called CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount and BusinessAccount. Then
you should manage credits and debits from these accounts through an ATM style program)
Day 45
- Jump search Implementation
Day 46
- Natural language processing(Autour stylometry)
Day 47
- Six degree of sepration
Day 48
- Area calculation
Day 49
- Introduction to turtle
- Circle mania(Turtle)
Day 50
- English Thesaurus(mini project)
Day 51
- Interpolation search
Day 52
Day 53
- Image Compression
Day 54
- Browser automation in whatsapp using python
Day 55
- Tkinter calculator
Day 56
- Exponential Search
Day 57
- Pandas introduction
- Read files using PANDAS
Day 58
- Numpy Introduction
- Array creation using Numpy
- Array Indexing
- Basic Operations
Day 59
- Find day with date
Day 60
- web-map shows volcanoes in India and world population
Day 61
- Types of error
- Error Handling
Day 62
- Count sort
Day 63
- India flag using turtle
Day 64
- Bogo sort
- Pancake sort
Day 65
- Page Rank ( Find most visited page(node) )
Day 66
- Page Rank ( Find most visited page(node) - point distribution method)
Day 67
- Introduction to matrix
- Rotate the matrix
Day 68
- Inplace rotate square matrix by 90 degrees
Day 69
- Inplace rotate square matrix by 90 degrees without using any extra space
Day 70
- Sort the given matrix
- Check if all rows of a matrix are circular rotations of each other
Day 71
- Multiplication of matrix
Day 72
- Print Lower triangular and Upper triangular matrix of an array
Day 73
- Strassen's matrix multiplication
Day 74
- Program to Print Matrix in Z form
- Print matrix in zag-zag fashion
Day 75
- Introduction to SQL
Day 76
- SQL operator
- SQL expression
- SQL create, use, drop operations
Day 77
- SQL Create table
- SQL Drop table
- INSERT query
- SELECT query
Day 78
- SQL where clause
- SQL conjuctive operator
Day 79
- UPDATE query
- DELETE query
Day 80
- LIKE clause
- ORDER by
Day 81
- GROUP by
- Distinct keyword
Day 82
- SQL - Constraints
Day 83
- SQL - Joins
- NULL values
Day 84
- SQL - Alias system
- Union
Day 85
- UNION ALL clause
Day 86
Day 87
Day 88
Day 89
Day 90
- INSERTING rows into a VIEW
- DELETING rows into a VIEW
- HAVING clause
Day 91
Day 92
Day 93
- SUDOKU solver
Day 94
- Facebook Login Automation
Day 95
- Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram
Day 96
- Find the number of islands
Day 97
- Print matrix in spiral form
- Print matrix in anti spiral form
Day 98
- SQL subqueries
Day 99
- Sum of non-diagonal parts
- Count rows / columns with sum equal to diagonal sum
Day 100
- SQL injections
<===========Finally 100 days completed successfully=============>