Addis Equb is an open source side project I created in my free time. It is a digital platform that allows users to save and invest money together. The platform is based on the Ethiopian tradition of equb, which is a rotating savings and credit association.
- Admins can create equbs. Admins can create equbs for a variety of purposes, such as saving for a wedding, a new home, or a business.
- Users can join equbs by requesting to join a group first. Users can request to join an equb by submitting a request to the admin. The admin will then review the request and approve or deny it.
- Users can make deposits and withdrawals from their equbs based on the rules. Users can make deposits and withdrawals from their equbs, but they must do so in accordance with the rules of the equb.
- Clone the repository.
- Install the dependencies.
- Run the application.
- Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
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